Thursday, October 14, 2004

return of the "jeddi"

I am "Back with a bang" , (remembering the first T shirt the bangys designed in the first year in college ) ... the college memories were recently stirred by the convocation ceremony held last weekend . Expectations were high on my part . I was hoping the whole quakers community of the batch of 2k4 would be there to celebrate the "final orgy " , but disappointment awaited me .
I made a big mistake of not spending time with the people there and sitting in front of the dumb ole pcs watching quake demos and playing ctf ...

Nothing remarkable happened in those two days ... the hype for the convocation was big ...real big , especially the enc crowd was there to make it all happen ... The best outgoing student , the D's , the kandu fundus , the trimurthys , the manis and everyone else came from the four corners of the country ... the closest corner being bangalore

Meeting the teachers wasn't a plan in my schedule , but I did try to speak to mom ... but ditched it when i found she wasn't really interested .

On the high side , saw some great quake demos and vids , defrag rocks ...!!!! great people those guys are who can fly around with rocket jumps and climb walls with plasma guns . And then the final between czm and zero4 was ammmazing !!
The way z4 gets raped by this kiddish looking guy ..czm , the arena was ztn and the quality of gaming was just amazing ..I used to think that unkind was the god in this particular arena ...but czm is ulti ulti .

The office life is going on .... development work is happening ... finally . Got a feel of the future today in a teleconference and later a code merge. Very cool watching this happen ...
will continue tomorrow with more exciting stuff (11)


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