Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Listening .. a great quality

At times in the office , it gets so frustrating when you don't get feedback from the people around you ... whether you areof any help to them when u take your time out and help them or when your boss is happy with your work or not or just when your friends seem to be in silent mood .
The last is the main reason my mind works overtime creating imaginary plots and possible solutions for them and then fail them and again start over . It can get to be a very tiring process... the immediate and most feasible solution is to tell someone about it . Once thats done, some how the load just lifts . I discovered this thing very late in life :) but still just the same better late than never .

Also the average woman likes the communicating guy much better than the silent brooder . Having been both selectively for quite some time now , I have been through a mixture of responses . The knowledge of what is to be done and what not to be done doesnt necessarily mean that you can immediately go out and start doing it , right ? maybe you can , but for me its always been a slow process ... esp in matters which involve other people .

Today , in a familiar group discussion , just a hangout kind of people who know each other .. I did it again and was feeling left out ... generally you can't hang out with someone just sitting there doing nothing right ? Thats the reason I feel so stupid sometimes ... something like writer's block , or just plain cynicism donno . Anyway , I was brooding about it and decided to tell someone about it and the girl I had/have a crush on was the logical person . She listened or rather read and that was more than I wanted . I didnt need any solutions ..that comes around eventually , but that made my day :) ...although it was well into the night .

The quakers of college have revived to some extent , thanks some to yours truly and the "dot "
Great networking happening for me on the written frontier but the oral is lacking drastically .
Anyway , tomorrow is the dandiya dance in the cafeteria and that must be fun ... all the girls , some pretty are gonna be there . Still not decided whether to dance or not . Will see ...
Boozing for it is not an option , so ... it has to be conscious and for that i need to sleep now . Good night , dreamless sleep

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