Thursday, September 30, 2004

tension kai ko lene ka ?

Well , the documentation night mare isn't over , but the hot head phenomenon has subsided (hopefully for good) and a new perspective is making the going easier . Communication with the boss is very important , I learnt yesterday ... the issue was that I was putting pressure on myself to complete a job which takes time to be done well... and I was trying to speed up without asking his opinion... eventually though I did ask him how I was doing, and surprisingly he really meant that there was no problem and time was not a problem , the quality mattered .

Relief is a great feeling especially because going home for the weekend without any office thoughts is very important ! else my hands would be in bangalore and my mind in chennai :)

I did a really gr8 thing today (??) ... I told a girl that I had a crush on her . I didn't know what to expect cause it was my first time ever . Shes a cool one , though and has no problem talking with all the guys in the company unlike me with a withdrawn approach to girls . Well .... I am not sure what I am going to do next , so work will go on as usual . ... until then missing (in) office

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

early bird gets the worm???

The day started off with getting up to the sound of my watch alarm which wasn't loud enuff and repititive enough to get me out of bed and running . Reached the office at 10 30 , although I am supposed to be here by 9 am . Well , the reason is very noble , its to get used to the future steady job requirements ... but in 2 days , its difficult to change ... eventually it will happen though .
The documentation will go on i guess , because its not as simple as it looks . Working alone is still not very comfortable , need help at some point or the other . Everybody's busy fixing ir's , ... i am still a v'ir'gin heheheh :)
An insightful comment made me go back at the job , with some renewed josh , but this heat in the head is really making my life miserable . I don't know how it will be percieved if I told my boss ... as earlier my doc told me it was just my imagination . How can that be possible ?
Anyway , one thing is for sure , it happens only when I am working on the code ... any answers my readers ( if getcount(readers) > 0) ;)
Not the most popular guy around , but being percieved as a loner is not good for me , I know ...and being told by another is even worse . I can't be normal in the office with all the stack in my head with stuff from the code - makes me less than human -- more like a machine .
That reminds me "The Matrix" was a gr8 movie for many reasons ... especially for the "mentally enslaved " ... the human workforce to operate machines communicating in the machine's language so that other ppl can then use these machines .
Well ... life goes on ....without quake ,and with out excercise . The moment of joy when the boss says "good " lasts for a very short time ...but at least it was there . The time spent at the workplace is increasing ... procrastination ... slow learning , lack of motivation ... whatever maybe , the *%()%( " hot head " is killing me

Monday, September 27, 2004

documentation nightmare

On a day in the recent past , when I was still in the blissfuk days of preemployment and post college days , my brother told me of a "law". This law he said is nothing less than the "Newton's law of management " ... it goes like this : "Any work u do, will always expand to fit in the time allocated or available ( <=) " . I don't know the gr8 person who framed it , but u r right dude ... I am in the middle of ur law's consequences . My flow documentation is going on forever and forever ... yeah there were a few extraneous factors which did go against my favour ... but in this "grab ur chance " kind of world ... well u got to grab it . "Karorepathi kumar" voices all the thoughts in his head to all and sundry ..indiscriminately ..and especially to the "lead" ... and thus gets all the attention( and yeah another credit to the guy who said " the crying baby gets the milk) .
The flows went on for the best part of the last 2 weeks ... everybody took their time and then bang it was my turn out of the blue ... the feedback came and the work stacked up . Unstacking it is going on .... painfully slow , I always say ..go for the bigger picture and then everything will fall in place ... but to apply it in this scenario ( hehehe) will take a dude ... i know a few of those knid . Anyway , the details get me so engrossed , I either ignore them completely or go so deep into them that they eventually lead me into blind alleys or just dead ends . I found out with the help of "opener " Halid today that the dead and forgotten flows resurrect at some point and the tool of resurrection is the innocent ^$%*$%* debugger .
Whatevers happened for the weekend is so so distant , I need a $%&^ break from this stuff ... breathlessly waiting for the coming thursday night and to home sweet home i will return .

The Boss from "onshore " leaves today ... gr8 guy , can "basically " get things moving ... inicdentally I found out he was one of the guys responsible for starting the project I'm in ... so destiny intertwined the fates of so many of us ... OnResponse() to that Event ;)
He got a farewell gift from the entire floor and "basically" he was smiling all the way to the exit .

Expectations are real high it seems ... the focus being on fixing IRs ! I ve got a few choice words to say about IRs ... will save them for later . The only thing in this whole thing I am interested in doing is creating something or atleast look at something visual ... hope the dude who said " everything comes to him who waits " gets a kudos from my side .

Getting out of here with the documentation safely done is what i am going to do .... or try to do


Sunday, September 26, 2004

Still on the weekend

Today's a sunday ... but theres still work left over :(
Thats just the tip of the ice berg ..the problem runs much deeper , is it because I am too slow at doing the assigned work or because its so boring and mechanical that I can't stand it I don't know .... but yeah on thing is for sure , it needs to be done by tonight !

The day appeared dreary as it began at 12 pm ( when I was awoken by manmadha raasa's call ) ... but it turned out to be real fun as I got treated to a great lunch and an enjoyable movie . The movie wasn't enjoyable because of its quality , but because it was trying to wrap the weak script and lack of story so hard , that it was an insult to the senses .... not all senses though ;)

Diya Mirza heated up the screen initially with a zabardast striptease ...though she ain't as voluptuous as I would have liked . But nevertheless she was bloody HOT , wearing next to nothing. And not to forget the smoches , really shocking (pleasantly ) the way smooches are appearing out of context everywhere . Wonder when they will happen in the right context ?
Anyway , there was big group of people and the generous benefactors of the treat made sure the food was filling ( thank you so much aish,manmadha raasa , and anusha ) and the movie was fun too .

Now back to the present , I am back at the office finishing off the work ... positively said this time ... a few words of advice from the pros do help occasionally ... well , I gotta be getting back to work then , tomorrow is "judgement day" (:+())