Thursday, January 20, 2005

back from hibernation

Well, its been quite some time since the last blog . I was moved into a mode with no real motivation to save the occurences around me . Fixing bugs for months on end is no exciting job , I can guarantee that .

But other interesting incidents did come up . Quake has made a re entry into my life ... in the form of a tourney ... and more recently , some interesting stories of a friend of mine came to the fore , and is generating a lot of interest in certain elite circles . The tsunami came and went , but couldn't budge me from my slumber . My geared bicycle ( ! ) is still in good shape and i enjoy riding through the chennai traffic ... helps me dodge rockets and rails better i guess 11 .

Work is not as interesting as it was some time back . Due to some politics (dp) in office , things seem dour , and some impressions of people changed quite a bit .

Got myself a dvd player and a tv tuner card ! ... life is good , but i really wish there was more time in the day and that my LAN started working :(

If i am getting into MBA , i can say that i ve seen some really amazing case studies right in front of my eyes ... though how good i can be i dont know ... but my admiration for the boss grows .

Thats pretty much it , the financial year is about to begin , all the paperwork is in the pipeline ... I hate nothing more than this ! if anyone feels the same , best of luck to u and to me 11


extract from chappar gandus

Hmm, I see that the prospect of gossip about all our(pseudo) love affairs has generated quite a bit ofinterest . There is the truth and then there is theopinions which spin around uncontrollably . In a placelike college , it becomes difficult to distinguish thetwo . By popular demand , u wanted 2nd person pov , i amafraid that it will be a breach of trust to do that... i personally would want to spill the beans , butof course i ll try to set a trend ...Please don't use this info for any other reason otherthan perusal and deletion ! or just plain abstraction.I saw her for the first time in the cet cell ... itwasnt love at first sight ... but definitely , shecaught my eye . And then came college , I was sopumped up about a new beginning to my hormone abusedlife , that i was hitting upon all and sundry withoutany "level" . After the initial ruffle , it becamemore reciprocative and i started making friends withthe girls , except one . I had something in me whichmade me say all the wrong things and generally gobananas in front of her . Trying to be the best infront of her , i became a kind of obsequious bot . Life went on and my feelings grew and though I knewthat the right thing to do is always express yourfeelings , i could n't do it . I know that its one ofthe things i regret to this day . There were a lot of intermingled issues during thiswhole fiasco if i may ... which is not worthdiscussing . That was one of my (mis)adventures ... there isanother one ... A friend i gained initially became more than a friend( plz rmmber this is fpv... ie purely me)... and well,as u all know the ice berg beneath all theconversation is the body language . And that was theone that sunk the ship ... I ve heard of ppl being very sure about the partnersthey fancy ... but i have been cursed with an elementof doubt in many things , so that story as well as theother comes to a premature end .In the time between all these events , i did pen someof my best and only rhyme ... if anyone is interestedi can put it up on my blog site .Oh man, i almost forgot the most well documented firstperson pseudo affair ever ... see my "blog of thecentury" in Well , thats about all i will say , its free tointerpretation .. looking forward to some more stories, urs truly , msk

Monday, January 03, 2005

quake going to rock bangalore !!

Hey guys , Its true ... a quake measuring real big in whatever units and whatever scale is going to rock bangalore in the january of 2005 .
Thanks to "Maverick" and his never dying love for the game , we are going to have some unforgettable moments in the game's history( ok , cool , u need some melodrama to bring up the josh , u know 11).
Anyways , the venue is a place called XSG in Koramangala , and the gametype ... your favourite : ctf . And to top it all, the qualifier will be the oh so lovely duelling keeps !! The other rounds are still under discussion , but it promises to be one hell of a tourney . Teams are expected from other clans ( q: are we a clan ? should we be ? i think so ...) . Seeing the quality of quake in many places , I think we stand a great chance as a college ... as a clan ... all we need is that little extra bit of josh !
The date is scheduled to be the 15th of this month , as of now .
Keep looking out for this spot for further details . you can put in a comment as a reply to this ,
Come on guys , looking forward to a gory orgy , 11

fare thee well , my quaker ,

- railmani.