Saturday, May 12, 2007

Ode to a soddie...


A pain in the wrist and a fat ass is
All you ve got , my softie sis
Oh you want to have an easy life?
A fat salary and a sexy hot wife?
So you gonna work real hard...
So hard ur backside goes soft
Your eyes a popping mister , oft
When passes by a female chick

Oh What a lousy life you lead my softie sis,
Aint worth a doggie's piss
You dreaming a lot my man,
When u sposed be working on...
Through the nite , you aint got no life
No life , no wife, no f**king strife

The white man's rich, his dollars' real money
Your ruppee aint worth ur sweet time honey.
So slog ur fat ass...all day all nite
The white massa's paying u alrite
You speak his tongue and u wipe his ass
Maybe u go his house ,oh so fast!

You dream a lot my man ,
Someday u ll marry ... a woman?
u look in the mirror anytime , hey softie sis?
ur ass so big, did i just hear it hiss?
U aint going to do no kissing ...
Ur teeth have food which went missing
What a sorry state ur in my buddy
Life sure sucks as a softie coolie

Oh softies s(t)ud ... u gonna die a virgin
Coz none cares of ur end or origin...
U a drop in the ocean , u salty prick
U gonna die without use of ur stick
Wat lifes gotta offer u ll never know dude
Coz u gonna look , but u never do
The net u live in ... u browse
Your veil itll be , sitting forever in the house

U coming home in a huff
Ur packets' full of money stuff
Now u r boss , u softie coolie..
U lucky dog , u .. see me drooly
O Wait, ur heart's a beating slow
My man , u must a been cheating
Death , ur heart's a leaking ..

A softie's life's so short , is it fate?
U dying my brother, my softie mate...
Wat a life , wat strife , of no action ,
better dead still are than a life of no motion.

No one gonna mourn u my dead son
U were no one , no helping hand
U thot u were living a life so grand..
No family ,no frens u cared
Look who has better fared...
I earned much less... I loved much more
I knew money's worth , I never sought a crore
I am the real worker , u lost ur way
I live life , while you exist in a hell for which u forever

( today's incidentally my bro's birthday . some of the intense feeling of being a softie with no life has been influenced by him and more so by observing this ever growing imbecile species)

P.S : this poem aint a joke! its satire at the "prosperous" software engineer , a growing breed , who lives a "model" life with a lot of money and pretty much no skill at anything save stare at a blank screen...


RvK said...

very nice..
do chk out a similar one i have put on my blog :-)

Karthik Subramani said...

actually seeing it now , its kind of despondent... but am resisting the temptation to delete it!